Friday, December 17, 2010

A Bleach Movie Night?!

The other day, I tweeted that it has been raining lately and if it rains tonight, I will treat myself to a Bleach movie night. Sure enough, it's still raining right now and I just got done watching movies 1 and 2 of Bleach. I planned to watch all 3 but considering how tired I am, I'm going to sleep instead. Of course I will be saving movie 3 for another day - I'm definitely rewatching this one because it's my absolute favorite!

It's been quite a while since I've seen these movies that I forgot how much I liked them. If it's one thing that Bleach animators do well, it's the movies. The animation, setting, and music are simply beautiful. Although some fans argue that the movie is not canon, it's still Bleach either way and I stick by it no matter what (and the 3rd and 4th movies are technically canon - the production for Fade to Black was overlooked by Kubo and he served as co-producer for Jigokuhen!)

Watching these movies definitely proved to be an enjoyable and relaxing experience. My life has recently been occupied with school - homework (and tons of projects), constant worries about my grades, conflicting emotions revolving around certain "friends", sleep deprivation etc etc. Believe it or not, I'm actually trying out this new thing where I try not to complain or worry too much. My old posts mostly consisted of me complaining about everything that's wrong with my life. I eventually got sick and tired of this so I deleted these old posts. Worrying about things only stresses me out even more so I try not to think so much. Instead, I'll try to do something that'll get my mind off of my school life. Usually I'd go shopping, watch movies, read books(NOT the ones I'm required to read for school of course), obsess over Bleach, or occupy myself withs something that'll relieve me of stress. Can I get through 6 more months of school while maintaining my sanity? Probably (I'm trying to be a bit more optimistic too ^^).

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

What's Yours?

every person should have
one thing that they're obsessed with,
be it music, a specific book,
a show, a movie, or even a Brand -
any materialistic object
that you've allowed yourself
to be spoiled with -
this one thing
that never fails to put
a smiLe on your face,
that cheers you up
no matter how pathetic you feel,
that makes all the bad things go away,
as it banishEs whatever terrible thoughts
you had in your head just a second ago.

no matter how rotten your day is,
no matter how unfair
and f-ed up your life is,
this is the one thing you can turn to,
the plAce where you hide in,
the feeling you want to keep,
and the memory you never want to forget.

the excitement when something new
Comes out and you're giddy with joy
as you start jumping around in your room
the jolt of energy you can't
hold in any longer,
the adrenaline rush that flows
throughout every inch of your body,
and the need to share
this uncontrollable Happiness
with those patient and caring
enough to actually listen to,
and not just hear, what you're telling them.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Yet To Do

10:18 pm on a monday night,
cold and Sitting here by myself,
i can feel the wind of an autumn night
Come in through my window.
on thanksgiving breAk,
i'm wondeRing what everybody Else is Doing.

As i'm sitting here typiNg,
i'm remindeD of my list of things to do,
the homeWork i've yet to get started on,
the room i've yet tO clean,
the books i've yet to Read,
the list of volumes i've yet to buy,
the studying i've yet to accomplish,
the notes i've yet to write,
applications i've yet to finish filling out,
peRsonal statements I've yet to rEvise,
and the number of Days i have left
before the 30th of november.

Saturday, November 20, 2010


the girl who everyone looks up to,
the one whom every boy has A crush on
aNd whom every gIrl wants to be;
the girl with the cat ears,
the one whoM no onE Could've hated,
not even me;

she's probably no different from us,
but she made things Look easy,
she made sitUations Bearable,
and tries to make life,
a little more exciting.

she is amazing,
the way she handles complicated matters
as if they were nothing,
as if they were only temporary.
her style is flawless, true to herself
as she strolls through life
unaffected by the opinion of others.
never even considering to fit in,
she stood out and shined.

quiet and friendly,
she got along with many,
and they, in turn, remained by her side.
a year was all it took
to see how a Person can handle so much
while still being loyal to heRself.
unawarE of her effect on otherS,
she continues to shine.
for those who couldn't see this potential,
well, they were just plain blind.
(or they're idiots) ;)

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Four Years Of Reign

i'm mad at a million thIngs today
but one cause of my anger
steMs from a group of people.
the ones who run the school,
the oNes you see everywhere.
ignoring them fOr four years
is close to impossible.
geTting constanTly annoyed by them
is closer to the trutH,
more so than anything.

they signed up for it,
thEy should have known what they
were getting themselves into.
the rest of us shouldn't have tO change
for the sake of their convenience

just be quiet, please shut up,
not everyone kNows you
like you think they do.
continue to advocate what you want
but please put on a real show,
at Least make us want to go,
convince us there's a good reason to,
instead of just trYing to make yourselves look cute.

no matter which one of you it is,
you're all the same.
walking around in control
when all sOme people want to see
is how fast you can slip and fall.
meaniNgless efforts go to waste,
you think people look up to you,
no, that's not the case.
few potEntials just wanting to get noticed,
unspoken words say you don't deserve your place.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Happy Birthday Ichigo!

July 15 - Fans everywhere are celebrating the birthday of Bleach's most famous and iconic main character, Ichigo Kurosaki :)

Okay, I may have exaggerated a bit there, but today really is Ichigo's birthday! Happy Birthday Ichigo! :D

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Bleach Zanpakuto Filler Ends

The Bleach zanpakuto filler arc officially ends today, meaning that starting next week, the canon Hueco Mundo arc continues from where it left off in the anime - the start of the fight between Ichigo and Ulquiorra. Although I'm excited to see their fight animated, I'm also bummed that this filler ended. In my opinion, this has been the most interesting and the best filler arc of Bleach so far.

I can't believe how much time has passed. The filler started last summer in July and now it's April! So that means it's been going on for at least 8 months now. Wow, I hardly noticed that it's almost been a year! Even so, I've gotten quite attached to some of the characters introduced in this filler. I would be ecstatic if the zanpakuto's materializations were to appear in the manga. I miss them already and it's only been a few hours!

I really liked the Muramasa part of the filler. It was pretty interesting and I kind of pity him for having such a horrible master. I thought Muramasa was a great character despite how I questioned his motives before. The Sword Field part of the filler was kind of boring, though I have to admit that it wasn't all that bad. The reason why I actually like the Bleach fillers even though they can sometimes be tedious and not as good as the actual canon plot is because the fillers provide relief from the heavy and so serious atmosphere of the current war/battles taking place in the manga. There's nothing wrong with that, it's just that you sometimes need a break from all that. I enjoy the comedy of Bleach and the fillers succeed in accomodating us with that. Furthermore, I get to see some of my favorite characters that currently play minor roles in the current manga. Everything revolves around Ichigo because he is the main character so his fights come first. With the filler, I get to see other shinigamis and the plot doesn't have to always involve Ichigo.

This filler was great while it lasted. I laughed, I cried and I enjoyed it. I'm truly going to miss the zanpakutos though. I wasn't too happy with their character designs at first but then they started to grow on me. That's why I'm sad to see them go now.