Sunday, February 27, 2011

YuGiOh! 3D: Bonds Beyond Time

After months and months of waiting, the highly anticipated YuGiOh movie is finally released in America! Yes, my friends and I were super excited to go see it. The fact that there were only four showings where we lived only encouraged us to do whatever it took to see this movie. It was pretty stressful actually. Let's just say that there were some unexpected and completely last minute problems that almost prevented us from seeing it!

One of the reasons why we were all so dedicated to go is because we grew up watching the YuGiOh series. I still remember getting up before 7:00 AM on Saturday mornings, quickly grabbing the remote, turning on the TV, and watching some fascination informercials while I was waiting for YuGiOh to come on. Ah those were the days ...

So anyway, we all absolutely loved the movie (I wish it was longer though. I seriously would not mind sitting through hours of this greatness.) It was hilarious, nostalgic and just plain epic. We weren't the only ones hyped up for it. A lot of fans on Twitter were raving about it too. I think the reason why so many fans were interested was because of the fact that the main characters from three different generations of YuGiOh were all present. In the same movie. At the same time. The idea is just so surreal that you would never think it was possible. But it is. And it was awesome. These three make a great team. I felt like the writers could've done more with Paradox, the antagonist of the movie, though. There was potential for the development of his character and his past. Other than this and the fact that the movie was kind of short, everything else was breathtaking: the animation, the 3D effect, the music, and the fact that Yugi, Jaden and Yusei were in the same movie together!! (Whoever came up with this idea is brilliant.)

Every person who purchased a ticket also got a free excerpt from the YuGiOh! 5D's manga that's coming out later this July.

Here's the free card that came inside the manga excerpt!