Sunday, January 2, 2011

The Disapperance Of Haruhi Suzumiya

I just finished watching the movie The Disappearance Of Haruhi Suzumiya. It came out a while ago but I wanted to wait for a high quality version instead of the filming-in-the-theatre version they had online before. I watched it on You Tube - this guy uploaded the entire 2 hour 40 minute movie into one video instead of splitting it into parts (how did he do that?!)

Overall, it was a beautiful movie. I didn't think I could like Nagato Yuki's character more than I did but this movie proved me wrong. She is my absolute favorite character in the series now (Koizumi comes in at a very close second!). It's funny because if you've never watched or haven't finished watching both seasons 1 and 2 of the Haruhi Suzumiya series, you might be completely confused as you're trying to make sense of some of the scenes in this movie. But if you're like me and you've seen both seasons (and you remember the events of these seasons), you will think this is a great movie :)

I don't like giving out spoilers so I won't say much (and plus, the movie left me kind of speechless). What I will say though, is that my favorite scene is ... well, I have a lot of favorite scenes! But the one that stuck me the most was the ending when Kyon and Nagato were talking to each other on the roof of the hospital. It was such a sweet scene. I've always liked the idea of robots, or any kind of apathetic creature that's not supposed to have any sort of human emotions, develop feelings of their own. I remember a couple of animes where I've seen this happen (Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles, Bleach etc). I've always liked this concept. To me, it's such a beautiful thing when these beings, through interactions with people, begin to gain / show characteristics of being human themselves. Afterall, don't people say that emotions are proof that one was alive?

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